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Bunnyhill Children's Centre
Bunny Hill Centre Hylton Lane, Sunderland

Sunderland Autism Outreach Team

Education Provisions

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Autism Outreach Team Training offer for colleagues in schools 2024-25

Autism Awareness (can also be delivered as an inset session in schools/nurseries)

Social Stories

Sensory Strategies

Transition and Personal Passports

Communication and the use of visuals for mainstream schools

Spring term 2025:

Autism Awareness

Wednesday 8th January, 1pm-2.30pm

Tuesday 6th February, 1pm-2.30pm

Wednesday 5th March, 1pm-2.30pm

Thursday 3rd April, 1pm-2.30pm


Transition and Personal Passport Training

Wednesday 9th April 10-11.45am


Social Stories

Monday 17th February, 10am-11am


Sensory Strategies

Tuesday 11th March, 9am-12noon


Communication & the use of visuals in mainstream schools

Tuesday 4th March, 9-12noon

Monday 7th April 1-3.30pm


To book and for more information please visit